#How to create a POOR quality assurance culture in your company?
Dear #CEO
How to create a Poor Quality Assurance Culture?
Here are some Key Points on how to ensure poor quality:
- Change the production plan as many times as possible. Creates a lot of muda and stress.
- Develop a management style to increase psychological stress in employees. Use the carrot and stick approach.
- Make to stock, not to order. This way you focus on volume not on JIT, flow or Kanban. Nice things is, its easier to have more scrap and waste too.
- Change suppliers often. Even better, treat your suppliers as underdogs. Beat them on price and then expect the world from them.
- Don’t check inward supplies quality, like material specifications.
- Have a Boss who loves shouting, demonstrating distrust and disrespect to anyone beneath them. But smiles nicely to their Boss. This is a snake or a Vampire.
- Do over-checking of finished goods. The more Quality Control people we employ the better. Why not, brings down unemployment.
- Focus on re-work. Forget the idea of right first time. Re-work means more work, delays in customer orders and more overtime for the employees. Sounds fantastic.
- Over-produce so that WIP is pilling up between processes. This shows the Boss how much people produce. But it also means you can damage stock and easier for it to walk out.
- The cost of Poor Quality is also good for people to complain about but never find a root-cause nor a solution nor improve standard work.
- Encourage employees not to use the Andon. Why, if you make a mistake, just hope it does not get discovered further down the process.
- Don’t hold pre-shift meetings in line with Toyota principles. Best not to have any pre-shift meetings at all, waste of the 5 minutes. If you do, best to just focus on figures and numbers and damn the relationship behavioural building rubbish.
- Ensure Production and Quality Control meetings are not attended by senior management but some stand-in line leader. Best if meetings are sit down and take a long time.
- Ignore the Quality Control people as they are responsible for quality. You are there to create the volumes, right.
- Try not to have meetings where you focus on facts and visual management. Best to have a good old fashion BS meeting.
P.S. the whisky bottle is for medicinal purposes only !