#Is lean just a scientific management?

Dear #CEO
Is there more to Lean than Scientific Management?

Perhaps the root-cause of Lean Transition failures is the terrible misunderstanding that Lean is just Scientific.

Whereas, the real change needs to come from your heart and mind.

All the greatest Sensei teachers had profound habits, which they demonstrated in their behaviours.
This, coupled with sound scientific thinking creates the environment for process and improvements.

  • No hansei no kaizen
  • No humility no problem solving skills
  • No mendoumi no engagement
  • No genba coaching no self reliance
  • No respect for people no Leadership
  • No trust no teamwork

Lean scientific thinking without the habits is leadership with a head and no heart.
TPS would simply dissolve without the core nucleus being values driven habits.

Where to start ?
Start with a honest examination of your own habits and ask yourself:
Am I behaving as the best version of me.
What was my motivation or real intention in that last touchpoint I had with that person.
Was there room to improve on quality assurance in my behaviour.

Once you start to continuosly improve yourself, the rest is simply Scientific process.